, in
PT BEHN MEYER PUPUK & AGROKIMIA is a German company incorporated in Indonesia and having its head office in Jakarta. The company is engaged in the business of import and sales of agrochemicals and fertilizers.
The company is part of the Behn Meyer group of companies having operations in Indonesia, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar and Cambodia. Looking for:
The Job:
- Overall in charge of the sales operation of the company in Indonesia.
- Responsible for leading a team of sales personnel to achieve sales targets, stock planning and warehouse operations of the company
- Indonesian citizen aged about 35-45 years old
- Graduate in Agricultural Science or related fields
- Fluent in spoken and written English and Bahasa Indonesia
- At least 10 years working experience in sales and marketing of agrochemicals/fertilizers of which last 5 years as Sales Manager or higher position in a medium/large sized company engaged in agrochemicals/fertilizers business with complete in charge of sales and marketing
- Must have thorough knowledge of Indonesia and good contacts with companies in the related fields
- Computer literate and able to work independently
- Posses a valid driving license
This is a senior position reporting directly to the Director In-Charge of Indonesia operation of the group. The right candidate will be offered the salary and benefits in line with the best in the industry. Interested candidates are required to write in with detailed resume to the following address:
Human Resources Department
PT. Behn Meyer Pupuk & Agrokimia
Taman Tekno BSD Blok B-1 Bumi Serpong Damai
Tangerang 15314